Can tentacle go through laser?

Tentacle can go only via laser receiver (laser source/mirror can’t allow passing tentacle)

What obstacle can stop drones?

Only closed tile can stop drone

If the thief can pass through walls?

Yes he can

Can tentacle stop centerpiece rotation?

Yes it possible if centerpiece connect with walls, not spikes

How can the player collect coin/power up from tile hole?

Firstly the player needs to put crate/laser source or mirror crate into the hole and then he can get stuff inside tile hole

How can the player come through the tile hole?

Firstly the player needs to put crate/laser source or mirror crate into the hole and then he can pass through the tile hole

How drones can be killed?

Drones can be killed only by flamethrower or laser in mode destroyer/both and by tentacle

If the thief can pass through a tile hole?


Why thief change the color of his eyes during the game?

When thief feel throat from tentacle he goes out from his route and changes his eyes color to red which indicates that he in random movement

Can any obstacle stop meteorite?

No, but if meteorite pass through closed tile it was not shown

Can mine kill the static enemy?


Can thief pass through teleport?


Can red and yellow enemy pass through the teleport?


Can spike kill a red and yellow enemy?


Can spike kill tentacle?


If teleport works when it is covered by web?

No, also its output input teleports do not work

Can enemies go through one another?

No, except the thief

Why Octopus landed on an asteroid, despite the fact that he already has a spaceship for further travel?

Yes, he has already proper spaceship, but it needs unique fuel/crystals for launch main/intergalactic engine. The asteroid belt is the singular location of this stuff

If teleport works when it is covered by tentacles?


Oh. And how to quit?

Using square button or by double tapping on home button on older Androids